BC/DC – Canada’s Favorite Rock n’ Roll Salute
Saturday September 28, 2024
Price: Diamond $85 / Gold $80/ Silver $75 / Bronze $65
DOORS OPEN: 5:30pm
DINNER: 6:30pm
BC/DC’s live show has become a legendary, and necessary, “rite-of-passage” amongst their unwavering supporters and believers.
With over-the-top stage energy, they deliver every last note of all the classic songs with absolute authority. You get tired just watching them. BC/DC is heavily rooted in the Bon Scott-era catalogue (Dirty Deeds, TNT, Jailbreak, Let There Be Rock), but also covers AC/DC’s second “golden era” with all the essentials; Back in Black, For Those About to Rock, Hells Bells, and many more. Hey, there’s always another AC/DC tune.. and BC/DC always seems more than eager to blast it out.